Willow Noir demonstrates some basic techniques for using any of our acrylic knives for knife play. Using an acrylic knife is safer than steel, but not without its risks - cuts can happen and you need to use them within your own risk profile. We recommend taking a class from a kinky local educator or BDSM professional such as Willow for learning more about knife play.
Willow Noir demonstrates setting up a neon wand / violet wand with a body contact pad / power tripper for electro play. If you're new to electro play entirely, we recommend taking a class or hiring a professional like Willow for instruction. There is much more to electro play than we've briefly demonstrated. We do not sell wands or power trippers, but they are available for as low as $40 each on retailers like amazon.
- Start with the wand unplugged from the wall outlet, and verify the switch on the device is off.
- insert the body contact pad's plug into the wand
- plug the wand into your outlet/extension cord
- put the pad against your skin, making good solid contact
- start at the lowest setting, you'll hear it click and hum.
- anyone you touch with your skin will receive a small shock. It shocks when connecting/disconnecting, but you can hold someone and they can shock others. This also means you can't be holding or sitting on the subject you want to shock.
Willow Noir demonstrates some basic use on our electro knives for electro play with a body contact pad. ALWAYS start at the lowest setting. Use at your own risk, we accept no responsibility for your use of this product. We recommend taking classes and hiring professionals like Willow for education.
- With the body contact pad on, turn on the wand.
- put your fingers touching the screw closest to the blade tip. The blade is now electrified!
- the edge with the black coating; or the gray backside of a mirror is the conductive part.
-making contact will shock the subject!
If you want to change out your blade on your acrylic knife, it's fairly easy and only requires a screwdriver!
All Generation 1 blades made between 2019 and 2024 with this style handle have interchangeable blades for their handle style - knife or dagger (dagger is symmetrical).
- Unscrew the two handle screws
- peel the protective tape off the new blade
- place one handle on
- insert the barrel side into the screw hole closest to the blade tip
- hold it in with a finger tip
- place the other side of the handle on top, and insert the screw end. Give it a few turns to make sure its lined up.
- insert the other barrel and screw into the rear and turn in a few times. Use your fingers to line up the two sides where you want them and tighten the screws until they're snug.
Message us if you need additional parts or need any assistance.